5: Lorien Gamaroff
CEO: Centbee Reinvention of the sound money concept. South Africa’s foremost blockchain expert, Lorien Gamaroff, provides insight to blockchain technologies and their benefits. CIARAN RYAN: This is CFO Talks and today we are really excited to be joined by Lorien Gamaroff, CEO of Centbee, a cryptocurrency payment company. He’s also the chief ex
4: Talifhani Khubana
CFO: Pan South African Language Board The Pan South African Language Board was established by an Act of Parliament in 1995, it falls under the Department of Arts and Culture and its purpose is to promote multilingualism in South Africa, where we have eleven official languages. CIARAN RYAN: This is CFO Talks and […]
3: Otsile Matheba
CFO: A2X Markets For the first time in nearly a century the JSE faces a formidable competitor, A2X aims to capture 20% of the market within the next five years. CIARAN RYAN: This is CFO Talks and today we are talking to Otsile Matheba, chief financial officer for A2X Markets, which is a very […]
2: Pieter de Jager
CFO: Tanga Cement Classical thinking is out the window. In this CFO Talks podcast, Pieter explains the challenges of the modern CFO. He spends less than 5% of his time on reporting and preparing financial accounts. A far greater amount of time is spent on corporate finance and funding, making sure the business has […]
1: Nicolaas van Wyk
CEO: SAIBA According to Nicolaas the accounting profession in SA was once regarded as the best in the world. That changed as one corporate and public sector scandal after another oozed off the pages of the daily press with dreadful monotony. The profession has lost public trust because it no longer practices professional skepticism. And […]