David Wray: Navigating ESG, Sustainability, and the Evolving Role of CFOs  In a recent CFO Club podcast episode, Nicolaas van Wyk had an insightful discussion with David Wray, a seasoned CFO and expert on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). David shared his unique perspectives on the evolving demands of the CFO role, sustainability, and global [&helli

How External Factors Shape Internal Strategies Through Strategic Risk Management  Picture this: You’re the captain of a ship in a vast, unpredictable ocean. The skies look clear, but you know the weather can change at any moment—storm clouds can gather, tides can shift, and winds can throw you off course. Navigating your business in today’s […]

The Culture of Excuses: Why They Have No Place in a High-Performing Team  When assembling a team, one principle must remain steadfast and non-negotiable: excuses have no place. Excuses undermine progress, subtly disrupt momentum, and create obstacles that prevent leaders from overcoming the crucial early hurdles every venture faces. To build a high-performing


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