Achievement Orientation in Finance: How to Set and Meet High Standards  As a CFO, you play a key role in setting the tone for performance in your organisation. Achievement orientation is about more than meeting deadlines or hitting financial targets—it’s about consistently striving for excellence and encouraging your team to do the same. The good […

Guardrails for Growth: How CFOs Can Master Internal Control Policies  Internal controls are like the guardrails on a winding mountain road. They keep a business on track, protecting assets, ensuring accurate financial reporting, and promoting efficient operations. For CFOs, understanding and implementing effective internal control policies is more than just a

The Inquisitive CFO: Leveraging Curiosity for Company Growth  Curiosity is often overlooked as a professional skill. Yet, for a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), curiosity can be a secret weapon to drive company growth. Being inquisitive is not just about asking questions; it’s about fostering a mindset that challenges the status quo, uncovers hidden opportunit

Balancing Cost and Service in Financial Management: A CFO’s Perspective  Every decision a CFO makes carries weight on the bottom line, the team’s efficiency, and the overall direction of the business. One of the toughest challenges in this role is finding the right balance between controlling costs and delivering the quality of service that stakeho


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