CPD for Finance Leaders

CPD for Finance Leaders offer extensive topics that cover the entire range of the CFO functions and are presented by experienced experts.

CFO Programme

CFO Programme for the Emerging CFO

The CFO programme was developed in collaboration with the leading Universities to enable newly qualified CFOs to become valued leaders of the finance team.



Events for Finance Leaders

Attend events that help expand your network and focus specifically on the challenges and requirements of the Finance Executive.

Executive Education & License

Earn your License Climate And Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability and climate change efforts are prominent compliance matters, and are currently viewed on corporate agendas as key for increasing efficiency and a source of competitive advantage. Leading finance executives understand that climate change efforts cannot be separated from business and there is an urgent need to involve key decision makers in reporting on progress as it relates to the climate change agenda.

This license is developed by CIBA and Regenesys School of Accounting Science, and will equip finance leaders to confidently fulfil this role and will serve as proof of your competency in this field.

We know you need more credibility

Getting to the top as a Finance Leader, is one thing, but staying there requires a CFO(SA) designation.

Apply now for the highest NQF-based designation for finance executives, as registered with the South African Qualification Authority.


CFO Club

Become part of a international community of finance executives.